so you want to convert your car/suv

Whatever your reasons are for wanting to convert your car into a space that allows for more travel or provides you with a new home, cheers to you. My conversion was, by far, the greatest thing I ever decided to do, and I cannot fully convey the beautiful experiences and relationships a transformation such as this brings.

I converted my Lexus RX 330 because that was the car I was currently driving. Having recently graduated and only starting to accumulate more full-time hours at work, I didn’t have the money to pour into a larger, full-size SUV, much less purchase a van to convert into my home on wheels. My Lexus was what I had, and while unconventional, I was determined to make it home.

Whether you plan to convert your current car or are in the market for something new, there are a few things you may want to consider. Space is a huge factor in planning a build, and you want to optimize all space as much as possible. Chances are this lifestyle will be downsizing from your current living situation, and you’ll quickly learn that any extra inch of space matters.

A big thing to consider is your backseats. Do your backseats fold down flat or when folded down, do the seats create a slope in the cargo space? If your backseats lay flat, and you have enough cargo area, you should be able to easily build a platform on top of your folded-down seats or create your living space without having to build at all (roof height depending). If your backseats do not completely lay flat, I would not recommend building on top of the slopped area and instead take your backseats out completely. Doing this allows for more cargo area (this also means more storage space) and an easier space to build on. I opted to remove the backseats in my Lexus. My seats did not lay flat, and taking my seats out allowed for a platform to be built that optimized storage and allowed for more headroom in my living space.

I ended up with enough space on the interior of my car for all of my belongings and backpacking gear and did not need to use my cargo rack. However, if you need more storage or need a place to keep your off-season gear, a cargo carrier is a great option.

Something to consider if you plan to purchase a car or SUV for your conversion, and depending on what your plans are, you may want to think about getting something with AWD or 4WD. A lot of my time camping was spent off deep backroads, rocky terrain, muddy areas, and in extreme weather. Additionally, look into investing in all-terrain tires. You’re probably about to rack up some heavy miles, I’d expect a hefty amount of those miles to be on dirt and gravel, and you’ll want something with a solid grip on those loose surfaces.

Whatever make and model you’re about to call home, it IS doable, and it will be unique to you, your plans, and your journey.


where to camp